Simple Hide Routines, Right Side, Blogs, Extended Network

-- Hide right side myspace
<style type="text/css">
td.text table {visibility:hidden};
--Hide right side and remove the space it occupied
<style type="text/css">
td.text table {display:none};

-- remove blog area myspace
-- how do i hide my blog area only on myspace
table.latestBlogEntry {display:none;}

-- hide white space myspace
-- blank space after removing blog & extended network
-- how do you remove the white space where your extended network box used to be
[This is moot if the blogs and extended network are hidden using the above code. No more white space problem. If you have a whitespace problem, keep reading, and use the code I have here instead of the code you now have.]

-- hide extended network and move up my about me
-- hide extended network and move blogs up
table.extendedNetwork {display:none;}

-- remove blog and extended network no white space
-- hide extended network and blogs and move up my about me
{! hide extendedNetwork and blogs !}
.extendedNetwork {display:none;}
.latestBlogEntry {display:none;}
{! due to carriage returns we need to move the blurbs up slightly !}
{! first I control the size of the carriage return so the distance is the same on different browsers !}
br {line-height:12px;}
.blurbs {position:relative; top:-24px; margin-bottom:-24px;}

Blog Archive

About This Blog

I am in the process of moving my myspace content to this blog.
Right now it is split between 4 different blogs.
I started playing with myspace code customization in late February 2007 after my niece convinced me to get a page.
When I first started writing code for people, I had no intent of publishing any of it, or even writing as much as I did.

I do not claim that all of my code is better than anything else out there. I have come across a few pages with some pretty good code on them. But for the most part, the same exact codes, with the same side effects and same lack of comments exists on many many pages.
My code is my own. Only the very simple routines (those where the best solution is obvious) are the same as the masses. If I find something good out there, that I did not write myself, I will link to it instead of re-creating it.
First I will test it.