| class="interestsAndDetails" is actually at level table table table.interestsAndDetails I have taken a shortcut in all of the below and started with level table.interestsAndDetails table.interestsAndDetails | Table (no Class) | td (no Class) | td.text | td.tdborder | table.interestsAndDetails span.lightbluetext8 | table.interestsAndDetails span.whitetext12 |
To see how this diagram fits into the whole page
Click HereBy referring to the above diagram I can easily figure out the needed codes to style this space.
The interests table is at this level:
table table table.interestsAndDetailsIt can also be addressed in many other ways, some of which are:
td td table.interestsAndDetails
table td table td table.interestsAndDetails
I prefer this:
table.interestsAndDetailsIf I want to eliminate the entire table, and effect nothing else in the profile, I can use this:
table.interestsAndDetails {display:none}
This will leave some space due to the carriage returns above and below the table. These can be eliminated by either resizing the carriage return (if you want to effect the space between all tables), using a margin bottom on the table just above the interests table, using a negative margin-top on the table just below the interests table, or relative movement up, of the table just below.
In the below I use a margin-top on the table just under the interests table. The reason I choose this, is because the music player is above. The music player can NOT be addressed without effecting other objects on the page.
table.interestsAndDetails {display:none}
table.userProfileDetail {margin-top:-12px}
If you have removed your details table, replace it, in the above code, with the table which currently resides just below the location you removed your interests table from.
Removing the Left Column (where the row headers are)This leaves the table header in place, removes the row headers, and makes the table appear as one single column.
table.interestsAndDetails span.lightbluetext8 {display:none;}
table.interestsAndDetails table td {width:auto !important; padding:0px; }
Styling the text in the interests section The below code block styles all of the text in this section. Before each line there is a comment indicating what is effected by the line of code.
You can replace the fonts and colors with the style you want.
{! style main interests heading !}
table.interestsAndDetails td span.whitetext12 {color:hotpink !important; font-size:22px !important; font-family:impact; background-color:lightgreen}
{! style row headers !}
table.interestsAndDetails td span.lightbluetext8 {color:darkblue !important; font-size:16px !important; font-family:Arial; background-color:yellow}
{! style the rest of the text !}
table.interestsAndDetails td, table.interestsAndDetails td a {color:green !important; font-size:12px !important; font-family:Comic Sans MS; background-color:lightblue;}
For a list of available fonts go
HereFor a list of additional font attributes you can use in the style line go
HereEliminate some Interests Table RowsIF you do not put data into a specific row, the row should not show up. However, if you have code in it, it will show up.
And sometimes, it just shows up.
To eliminate a single row, it takes two lines of code.
Place this code at the BOTTOM of the row just above the row you want to eliminate.
<table class="off"><tr><td>
Place this in the row you wish to eliminate:
(There is a way to eliminate the "General" row, but because it takes a chunk of code, and a new class, and is best accomplished by just not putting data into that space, I will leave that out for now.
Custom HeadersIf you want
ALL Custom Headers, I suggest you make a complete custom Interests Table.
To learn how to do that go
Here: Creating a Custom Interests TableIf you want SOME custom headers:It is easiest to change the row headings which are BELOW the General, so I will cover those first.
To change any single heading, without effecting the others, place this code in the section ABOVE the heading you wish to change:
<table class="off"><tr><td>
AND Place the below block at the TOP of the Row you are changing:
<tr><td><span class="lightbluetext8">CUSTOM HEADING</span></td>
<td width="175" bgcolor="d5e8fb" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">
Your data for this section goes here
Changing the Heading for the General Interests Column If you want to change the heading for the "General" interests column, it gets more complicated. Because there is no data entry point, BEFORE this title is created, we have to enter our code AFTER the creation of this title.
Therefore we have to create a new class, so that we can hide the old "Genreal" heading without hiding our new heading.
Place this block at the TOP of the General Interests Row:
<span class="off">!-START code for custom General Interests Row header-!</span>
table.interestsAndDetails table {display:none;}
table.interestsAndDetails table.myI2 {display:block;}
<table class="myI2" bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="300" align="center" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0">
<tr><td valign="top" align="left" width="100" bgcolor="b1d0f0" NOWRAP><span class="lightbluetext8">
<td width="175" bgcolor="d5e8fb" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">
<span class="off">!-END code for custom General Interests Row header-!</span>
Data to go with your Custom Heading goes here
If you want to change to main heading (the heading that says "Your-Name's Interests), you also have to re-create the "General" heading. This also requires that you assign a new class to the interests table (the default class interestsAndDetails will be used to hide the residue text from the old header).
Therefore, if you have used my style block above, you must replace
table.interestsAndDetails with
table.myInterestsPlace this code at the top of the General Interests Box:
<span class="off">!-START code for custom General Interests header-!</span>
table.interestsAndDetails {display:none;}
table.myInterests {display:block;}
<table bordercolor="6699cc" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="ffffff" border="1" class="myInterests">
<tr><td class="text tdborder" valign="middle" align="left" width="300" bgcolor="6699cc" wrap="" style="WORD-WRAP:break-word">
<span class="whitetext12">
<tr valign="top">
<td class="tdborder">
<table class="myI2" bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="300" align="center" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0">
<tr><td valign="top" align="left" width="100" bgcolor="b1d0f0" NOWRAP><span class="lightbluetext8">
<td width="175" bgcolor="d5e8fb" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">
<span class="off">!-END CODE FOR CUSTOM INTERESTS HEADER-!</span>